TNBA Youth Scholarship Program

TNBA provides awareness about environmental conservation by encouraging the youth of our community, schools and 4-H programs to learn about natural beekeeping.

  • Learn how to work honey bees with confidence!
  • Learn honey bee biology 
  • How to select colony genetics
  • How to identify swarming 
  • Learn how to build an apiary 
  • Pest & disease control
  • How to grow more colonies 
  • And much more!

Course Description:


  • 10-18 Years Old

  • No Beekeeping Experience

  • Immediate Family Not a Beekeeper

Make a donation.

Texas Natural Beekeepers Association is a 501c3 nonprofit made up of local beekeepers. If you are interested in supporting TNBA in community outreach projects, like our Youth Scholarship Program, please consider making donation today!
